Are you interested in eating unique and exotic fruits but struggling with how to cut dragon fruit?
No worries, we are here to help. Dragon fruit, also known in Spanish as Pitaya (Pitahaya) or as “Strawberry Pear” is a tropical fruit that is grown and imported from Mexico, South America, and Central America.
There are three varieties of Dragon fruit:
- White Dragon Fruit (has white flesh and pink skin)
- Red Dragon Fruit (has red flesh with pink skin)
- Yellow Dragon Fruit (has white flesh with yellow skin)
What you will need is ripe fruit, a paring knife, and an optional smoothie bowl. For recommended supplies, scroll to the end of this article. In this article, we will share the easiest ways to get the delicious fruit out of its leathery skin and how to successfully prepare it for every occasion.

How to Cut Dragon Fruit
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Cutting your dragon fruit up into delectable bite-size pieces is a lot easier than you may think. Here is a quick step-by-step to get you through the process in no time at all.
1. Wash Before Cutting
It is always important to wash your fruits before you start cutting into them. This is due to the steps taken from the farming stage to transporting and then marketing that many dangerous chemicals and contaminants can be lingering on the skin.
2. Cut It Right Down The Middle
Now that the Dragon Fruit is clean and ready to be cut, lay it down sideways on the cutting board and cut your fresh fruit into two halves lengthwise, moving directly from the stem down. This will reveal the delicious white flesh waiting inside. Remember to use a sharp knife, especially for the tough outer skin of the fruit. A nice pairing knife will do the trick.
3. Grab A Spoon
Using a spoon, carefully scoop the fruit away from the inside of the skin. This should slide out without too much work on your part. The pulp of the fruit will come out along with the black seeds. Both are deliciously edible and the black seeds add a little more crunchy texture.
Pause… We would like to take a minute to inform you that this could be where the instructions end. Dragon fruit is a delicious item that can be scooped straight from the skin and into your mouth, as no further washing or preparing is needed.
4. Cutting The Fruit Into Small Pieces
There are three different ways people like to slice their dragon fruit to serve it in a fruit salad or a bowl to guests.
Serve it in Spheres
Using a melon baller, create sphere-like shapes out of your dragon fruit to serve it in unique ways. Some people enjoy freezing them this way and popping them into cups of water on a scorching hot day.
Cut it into Cubes
Cubbing your dragon fruit is one of the most common ways to serve it up. You can do this by placing the fresh-cut dragon fruit on its side (after being pulled from the skin) and then slicing it up horizontally 3-4 times, then vertically another 3-4 times, giving you even bite-sized cubes. Serving diced fruit is always a delight and can be served as fruit for babies that are led-weaning.
Slice Up Your Fruit
Lastly, you can slice up your dragon fruit into longer-length pieces, giving you the perfect size for tossing into a blender for smoothies or laying out for kids to grab while they are on the go. Before slicing into a dragon fruit, you first need to make sure it is ripe and ready for eating. You never want to waste your experience on a partially ripened piece.
To easily identify a ripened dragon fruit, locate a piece that has a nice red coloring that is smooth around the skin.
You always want to make sure that your fruit is tender and can push inward with a firm squeeze but doesn’t bust open.
Once you have found the most edible option, wash your dragon fruit, then, using a sharp paring knife, cut it into two halves, and with a spoon, eat the white (similar to kiwi fruit texture) insides.
How to Eat a Dragon Fruit

Before slicing into a dragon fruit, you first need to make sure it is ripe and ready for eating. You never want to waste your experience on a partially ripened piece.
To easily identify a ripened dragon fruit, locate a piece that has a nice red coloring that is smooth around the skin.
You always want to make sure that your fruit is tender and can push inward with a firm squeeze but doesn’t bust open.
Once you have found the most edible option, wash your dragon fruit, then, using a sharp paring knife, cut it into two halves, and with a spoon, eat the white (similar to kiwi fruit texture) insides.
What Does Dragon Fruit Taste Like?

Dragon fruit has a mildly sweet tropical flavor that is comparable to a mix between a pear or watermelon with the same kiwi-like texture.
The ripeness of the fruit plays a huge part in how it tastes. While a perfectly ripened dragon fruit has a syrupy sweet flavor, one that isn’t quite ready will have a bland and sourer flavor, making it much less enjoyable.
How to Eat Dragon Fruit
Firstly, make sure it is ripe, an unripened dragon fruit will feel hard to the touch and will be greenish. People usually enjoy eating their fruit straight from the dragon fruit skin, but there are a few different ways you can serve this versatile piece of produce. Here is a list of the most popular ways to eat ripe dragon fruit.
- On a salad (ideal for the white varieties)
- In a smoothie
- As a jam
- On a Kabob
- As a popsicle or sorbet
- As dragon fruit salsa
- Dragon fruit noodles (ideal for all fruit varieties)
As you can see, there are many ways you can prepare a dragon fruit.
What is a Dragon Fruit?

Now that you are an expert in how to cut and serve dragon fruit, let’s discuss what exactly this fruit is.
There is a misconception that this fruit is an Asian fruit, but Dragon fruit actually comes from a variety of cactus found in the Americas. Just like a cactus, the dragon fruit plant has its funny shapen thorns all throughout. This fruit has leathery, smooth pink skin or red flesh when ripe. It contains many types of antioxidants as well as nutrients and has numerous health benefits.

Our list of the Top Fruit Cutting Knives
Are you looking for a great knife to chop up that fabulous Dragon Fruit you just purchased? If so, here is a list of our favorite options.
- PAUDIN 3.5 Inch Kitchen Knife (Best overall)
- NewFerU Garnish Shape Tool Set for Fruit Vegetable (Best Budget Set)
- FANTECK Chef Knife German Stainless Steel (Best Runner Up)
- Multi-functional fruit knife (Best Under)
Fruit Cutting Knife FAQ’s
What is the Best Knife for Cutting Fruit?
The best type of knife often used when cutting fruits and vegetables is a stainless-steel paring knife.
What Should You Look for in a Paring Knife?
You should always take into consideration blade size, blade to handle ratio, and handle grip. There is no right or wrong, but you want something comfortable for you, allowing you to hold on to the knife tightly and safely. (3-inch blades are most common)
How Often Should You Sharpen Your Fruit Cutting Knife Blade
How often you sharpen your blades depends on how often you use the knife. Once or twice a year is fine for occasional use, Once every month or so for consistent use.
Tropical Treat
A Dragon Fruit is a unique and delicious tropical fruit that can spruce up a dish with both look and flavor. They are easy to peel and prepare as long as you have the proper tools and know what you are doing.
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